Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Voice of Love

Take me away with you—let us hurry!
Let the king bring me into His chambers.
~Song 1:4


Consider the dream in your heart, the deepest and most treasured thoughts you have. What is it that compels you to search out a certain matter that drives you more than any other thing in life? Is it marriage; children, a career, a cause? While all that is good, our hearts were made to long for something beyond what we see here on earth;  even above all beauty, all pleasures, and or any which thing that seems to bring fulfillment. We are made to long for a higher kind of fulfilment, to yearn for rest from the ache of a Desire that is etched, imbedded in the deep recesses of the heart. To long for the place that is in God's Heart, which only you, can fill.  O' yes, there is a place in His Heart, as there is a place in yours that can only be filled with each other’s love. This is high Romance. God invites us to look into His Romance, one day at time; one page of His Story at the time, to look into chapters of the  Love Story that we are most certainly a part of, and to embrace our place in that Love Story.  In one of his written works, St. Augustine said, “To fall in love with God is the greatest of all romances; to seek Him,  the greatest of all adventures,  to find Him, the greatest of all achievements."  There life can take us,  even in the midst of our darkest moments; in fact, darkness can be a place where beauty blossoms secretly, and nothing is more beautiful that God’s Love. What is darker that a crucifixion so brutal that our Bridegroom is described in the book of Isaiah (53) as being marred beyond recognition?  Yet it was at that dark hour, when the sky could not hold light that Yeshua gave birth to His own Bride. Lee Strobel’s investigation (see sources's page) of the crucifixion led him to discover that Yeshua’s heart had burst when He suffocated.  When His side was pierced with a lance by a soldier to veryfy His death, water and blood flowed out of His side. This is a medical condition also related to a 'broken'  heart! Prior to His death, He sustained rapid heartbeat caused by hypovolemic shock, as He shed His Holy Blood.  That also causes fluid to gather in the sack around the heart and around the lungs. This gathering of fluid in the membrane around the heart is called pericardial effusion, and the fluid gathering around the lungs is called pleural effusion. This explains the flow of  blood and water from Yeshua's  side just as John recorded in his Gospel.


Romance is the outward expression of an inward feeling. Where did the Bridegroom's romance for His Bride take Him? Yeshua’s heart was broken for His Bride, you can understand that when the condition of His heart is infused with the Gospel, and all of the Old Testament references that are linked to His Love and battles for His Bride. This should inspire acts of romance in us toward Him.  The  Christian Love Story is the greatest ever told because all that is true in all the familiar fantasy stories of the world, are really true  in the  death of a Carpenter-King. Yeshua. True of a Lover that chose to die for His Bride rather than to live without her. In His death, He brought His Bride back to Life when He kissed her at the Cross. He awakened her from the sleep of death caused by the poisoned fruit the villain gave her―reviving her to His endless Love. This is true romance, and this is,  in part, the Romance of the Gospel.


But how is romance with God lived out in the midst of what seems unromantic, and at times even chaotic? To be married to the Bridegroom means to be one with Him. The mystery of earthly marriage as explained by Paul, is that it is really about “Christ and the Church.” He says that the two become one, thus, thus if the two in an earthy marriage represent the relationship the Bridegroom Desires with His Bride, then oneness in marriage with Yeshua the Bridegroom, is also true and similar, yet it is greater because it is the True Spiritual Marriage. The oneness is spiritual and it calls for spiritual things. Our brother in Yeshua, [H]aRold Smith (see sources page), writes:  "To enter into that intimacy with Yeshua, we must choose to become One with Him, to become as He Is (1John 4:17, see Flesh and Blood). But it is a choice we make to enter into that intimacy, that Oneness with Who He Is - not Who we think Him to be. This is why Yeshua said there will be many who will say to Him, "Lord, Lord" - to whom He will say, "I never knew you" because, even though they had  access  to  His Power,  they  never  made  the choice to know Him in the Truth of Who He is.  They  were  wanting  to  fashion  Him  after  their  own  image instead of being fashioned by  Him.  They settled for less than His Excellence."   True oneness with Yeshua is a higher oneness, but His Bride must appropriate it.


The Bridegroom beckons His Bride to come closer to Him in every way: In sickness, in health, in darkness, in light, in lack or riches, in joy and sorrow, and in what the Bridegroom endures.  Suffering. There is a side to suffering that is dark, yes, but there is a side to it that is eternally bright,  why?  Because in suffering the Bridegroom brought  His Bride to Himself, and not just in ordinary suffering, but brutal, unspeakable pain. He endured it all for His Beloved. Thus, the brightness of suffering that comes from the Bridegroom,  shines His Bride, and she too,  is called to share in His sufferings.  Not as He did for the purpose of our ransom,  but as His Spouse who carries the pain of her Beloved  Who still suffers for the fallen world, for the evil that is continuously rising till it reaches its max, and for those who are still lost.   The Bride will not let Him suffer alone, because what He feels she feels.  F.J. Huegel (1889-1971), in his book Bone of His Bone,  opens our eyes to deep truth about oneness with the Bridegroom: “He can do nothing without us! We are His body. Christ has bound us to Himself with ties so strong we are all members of His Body…Christ  has bound Himself so eternally to us that when He moves, we move. [O’] The glory of this mystic oneness with Christ!”
Romance with God it is beautiful, inviting, and utterly dangerous. Yet, the danger of being His, is the only safety the Bride is to seek, if she loves Him,  even unto death.  He has loved Her from eterninty with an everlasting Love, then  He came down to earth to show her that He first loved Her unto Death.   This is the  Great Romance of the Gospel.
-Grace @thebridegroom.net

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